Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Book Review: "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy

On a monthly basis, I make a trip to the bookstore and search every single shelf until I find 3-4 books that I feel might be worth reading. I usually get a classic, a light reading, and something I know nothing about. This past trip resulted in: “The Complete works of Edgar Allen Poe”, “The Wealth of Nations” and “The Road”.

I knew very little about the story “The Road” but I decided to read it first. Do you ever get that feeling in the first couple of pages into a book: This is more than a book, this is a masterpiece! Only a few other times have I ever enjoyed a book as much as this. McCarthy is not just a writer but an artist. “The Road” is the story of a father and his son traveling through a post apocalyptic world, trying to survive with nothing more than a revolver and a shopping cart.

In late 2009, Hollywood is planning on making “The Road” a movie. I would recommend to any solid reader, to pickup and read this book before the film comes into theaters. McCarthy is also known for writing “There will be Blood” which was also made into a movie.


  1. eww exciting!! I want to read this book baby roo!! :)

  2. Just finished, on your recommendation. book is well done, intriguing, bit disturbing..something to think on definately
